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After Dinner Book Club

We meet every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at a book club member’s home. We enjoy books from all genres and have lively and engaging conversations. We hope you come and join us for an after-dinner drink at the after-dinner book club. If you are interested, please contact us via email.

English Book Club Grüningen

We are an English language book club, meeting in members’ homes in and around Zürich. Together we enjoy selecting, reading and discussing a diverse range of books.

English Book Club Zollikon
Our book club members live mainly in and around the area between Zollikon and Meilen, on the east side of the lake. We meet in the afternoon, on the second Tuesday of the month in members’ homes. Our choice of books is as diverse as our membership!

English Book Club Central Zürich
We meet monthly, usually on the fourth Thursday afternoon of the month, in a restaurant in central Zürich. We enjoy interesting, active and fun meetings, where we discuss books chosen by our members.

English Book Club Goldcoast
Our members take turns choosing books and hosting meetings, on the Gold Coast (east side of Lake Zürich), usually on the first Wednesday evening of the month. Our discussions are lively, entertaining and are accompanied by drinks and light food.

French Book Club Kreis 1 Zürich

We meet on Monday afternoons, approximately every 5 – 6 weeks in a central Zürich hotel.

Italian Book Club
We have a passion for the Italian language and its literature and love getting together, usually on Thursdays every 5-6 weeks in our members’ homes. We enjoy the lively environment and enriching discussions that arise from both classical and contemporary reading.

Spanish Book Club Zürich
We Spanish-speaking members create a lively, entertaining and informative atmosphere when we meet in each other’s homes, usually on the last Wednesday of every month. We all play a part in choosing our books and greatly value the opportunity to be among friends with a common interest.

Virtual Book Club

As the title suggest, this is a virtual book group. The idea behind this group is twofold; COVID restrictions made us house bound and in “normal” times we are connected to a book club when travelling and being in different time zones. If you would like to be part of this group and on the email list, please contact me.  I will use ZIWA Facebook to promote the next book on the reading list, and you can join in as much or as little as you want. We currently meet via Zoom.

Meeting:  1 x monthly

Time: 7pm

Via Zoom

World Literature Book Group
Our book club focuses primarily on the works of Asian and Middle Eastern authors, read in English translation. We read widely across genres, from fiction, both classical and contemporary, to non-fiction, essays, poetry. We are an eclectic group, holding lively, wide-ranging discussions on the last Friday afternoon of the month in a central Zürich café.

Zurich International Women's Association
8000 Zürich

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