Find all contact information per Interest Group here - 

After Work

The after-work group caters for those who have day jobs and are looking to participate in a wide range of after-work activities. Activities that we have organised in the past include chocolate making, guided city walks, taking a tour of the opera house, a visit to the wine boats, seeing a light show and going to the theatre or an art gallery, amongst others. These activities are often followed by a meal or drinks.

The structure of the group is driven by specific events, which all group members can suggest ideas for rather than scheduled monthly meetings. This flexibility allows members to attend events according to their own work schedule and personal interest. Events usually start between 17.00 and 19.00. If you would like to get to know us, please contact us via email.

Easy walk

Would you like to take an Easy Walk once a month? Our goal is to walk for about two hours at a leisurely pace, have a picnic along the way and then enjoy a cup of coffee (and maybe a cake) together.

If you are interested to join our group, please contact us via email.

Gardening Group

We meet eight times a year and visit parks, public and private gardens, botanical, landscape and flower gardens, as well as museums and exhibitions related to garden design on different weekdays. 

Global Concerns

We focus on topics that are of global importance and issues that particularly affect women. Climate Change, Biodiversity, Women’s rights, Conservation, Women in history, Mental & Physical Health and Technology advances.

We visit suitable museum exhibitions and where possible get a guide to lead us around. On occasions, we might also see a film or read a book. Afterwards we may discuss the topic over a coffee.

We meet 5-6 times a year with no fixed dates; we meet both evenings and during the day.

Topics are welcomed by members.

Latin American and Spanish
Our activities cover general topics of interest for the group: visiting exhibitions, seminars, celebrating Christmas, pop-up cafés and chatting about any topic, learning about our mutual cultures, aiming for positive integration into both our group and Swiss society. We are connected to the groups Movies in Spanish and Conversation in Spanish. Some activities are open to husbands and friends – at which time we speak English and German if necessary, of course. We meet several times a year, in varied locations. Advanced Spanish-speaking ZIWA members interested in Latin American and Spanish cultures are welcome.

We meet once a month on a weekday, for the early afternoon showing in cinemas in Zürich. Afterwards we go for a coffee in one of the restaurants close by and discuss the film, and any other topics that might come up! Come and join us, we are a fun group!

Moviegoers in the evening
Once a month we go to the cinema in the evening. The films we watch are shown in the original language (with German and French subtitles). Afterwards we go for a meal or a drink, but you’re not obliged to stay on if you don't have the time!

Moviegoers at lunchtime
Once a month we go to the cinema at lunchtime. The films we watch are shown in the original language (with German and French subtitles). Afterwards we go for a meal or a drink, but you’re not obliged to stay on if you don't have the time!

Movies in Spanish
Our group is for members with a good knowledge of Spanish, but it can be good practice for those who want to brush up on the language, while reading the French and German subtitles. We meet in Zürich on different days and times of the week and take the opportunity afterwards to have a drink or a meal together to discuss the movie.

Museums, galleries and more
If you enjoy exhibition visits and tours in museums and galleries come and join us. We meet about 10 times a year for events in a relaxed and sociable atmosphere. We often stay in the Zürich area but also travel to exciting art-viewing opportunities across Switzerland.
Everything from modern or classic art to photography and design; each time we share an inspiring experience, enjoy great company and most importantly have lots of fun. 

International Grocery Tour
This mini walking tour will take you to a sample of the many and various grocery stores in the city of Zürich that stocks food from around the world. It is designed to give you a glimpse of what is on offer and to find ingredients that are not readily available in the main supermarkets. 

Occasional Travel Group
You don't have to be alone when travelling. The ZIWA Travel Group organises a programme of visits to interesting places at least once a year. We do all the hard work for you – organising the flights, escorted tours, hotels and meal plans. Maximum enjoyment is what this group is about! Husbands, partners and friends are also welcome.

Zurich International Women's Association
8000 Zürich

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